The City Council of Tiana launched last June 12 a participatory process in which residents over 16 years old had to register in the Register of Citizen Participation (www.tianaparticipa .cat) and thus be able to prioritize the implementation of 5 projects needed for the town and to form a roadmap for the municipal government for the next 2 years. \NLES 5 Proposals that are presented to vote are: the creation of 1 open-air parking in the center of the town, the conditioning of the farmhouse of Can Riera because it is converted into a multipurpose space where they can make cultural events and related to gastronomy, the construction of the new modular local Scout Group, the improvement of the park of Doctor Mascaró and the remodeling of the Casa de la Delfina to convert it into a point of tourist information and economic promotion. \Voting has taken place from June 12 to 18 through the participation and electronic voting platform ‘Ekratos’, which allows the simultaneous compatibility of face-to-face voting in an electronic ballot box and telematic voting from any electronic device (cell phone, tablet and computer). This is the only participation and electronic voting platform accredited and verified by the Generalitat de Catalunya. \This has been a new experience of citizen participation in Tiana and is part of the pedagogical process of the municipal government, which considers that citizen participation in public policies is one of the most innovative ways to improve democracy. The transparency and correct functioning of the whole process, show that in Tiana we enjoy a very good democratic quality.